Friday, January 11, 2008

Grey Sky Extra

Boogieman sends his apologies for his extended absence, apparently accounting is hell this week.

Being the photo whore that I am, I'm just oh-so-happy to fill in for him.

You're not surprised at that are you?


Boogieman said...

You would not believe...this is the month for W-2's, 1099's, auditors...

Sorry folks, I'll emerge from my hole soon enough...

Gawdess said...

I have been playing with my 50mm today, to take pictures other than of people - that has so far been my favourite thing to do with it - so it was nice to see your landscape today.

I like it for the dark lacy branches and the rippled sky behind it, like looking into a reflection in a pond.

Sharon said...

Not surprised one bit :)
Hang in there, B-man.