Friday, January 4, 2008

Crispy Rice Treats (Gluten Free)


Scrivener said...

It looks like roe. :)

I've got some cookie shots from today to upload too!

Andromeda Jazmon said...

Do you make these yourself? Where do you get the gf rice cereal? I haven't found any I like.

Ampersand said...

Clouds, I have three brands of rice crispy cereals that I buy, depending on what store I am at, and which one I can reach. :)

What I used in the batch that is pictured is the Whole Foods brand -- Organic Brown Rice Crisps. It is gluten free, but gives allergy warning of cross contamination with with wheat (it also contains soy), so it just depends on how sensitive you are.

The other two brands I like are Erewhon and Nature's Path. Completely gluten free and no cross contamination warnings.

So, I just use one of these brands with the regular Rice Krispy brand recipe.

A girl's gotta have her treats sometimes!