Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ever carried the weight of another?

The girl asked me to create this shot for her. Someone that she knows online is using this photographic theme to celebrate her recovery from self-abusive behavior. Others are posting pictures in support, or even in tribute to their own recovery. Many people are writing the words on their body in places that they used to cut themselves.

My girl said she wonders what it's like to feel that way; the way that makes someone want to hurt themselves. I said I thought I understood, except my ways have always been more subtle and indirect. I told her I was glad that she has never felt that way, and that she has a heart big enough to care for others that do.

Ever carried the weight of another?
For how long?
I walk as far as they need to recover
For how long?

- Overweight, Blue October


Sandie said...

Very cool thoughts and image! Both of you Rock :)

Ianqui said...

Great photo, and interesting project. I hope it helps her friend.

concretegodmother said...

thank you. i needed to read this today. i need to know that people can and do recover from self-abuse, that it is a possibility. i have a student (one of many) that i'm especially dealing with this week. thank you.

Scrivener said...

I really like this photo.

My ways of self-abuse are much more subtle too, subtle enough that when I was your daughter's age I would have told you that I had no conception of how anyone could feel that way too. Looking back now, I realize that it wouldn't have been true.

Nikki said...

Very beautiful photo and beautiful subject.

Yankee, Transferred said...

I love the photo, and I love the girl. Big heart and compassion.

Sharon said...

What a beautiful smile, and beautiful heart :)

carrie said...

As the mom of a former "cutter," I deeply appreciate your dd's support for her friend. Support is how you get to the other side. Long road. Lots of pain for everyone concerned, but there is recovery. My dd's recovery has involved love, counseling, and meds. But it's different for everyone. Except for the love part.